About Us
Yullis Gwei U is the teacher in charge of Rosabel Music Studio in Singapore since 2003.
Gwei U gained a dual degree at Boston University where she studied piano with Hong Guan Chen and Benjamin Pasternack. She was also under the instruction of Phyllis Curtin and Steve Benjamin in pedagogy and music organization. Her professioanal training based on a wide spectrum of musical activities also include choral ensemble and conducting. Her experiences with the university concert choir include performing with the American Symphony Orchestra at the Carnigie Hall, New York. Gwei is also a certified teacher of London Royal School (CTABRSM)
As an instrumental teacher of the piano, Gwei U has carried out research into the history, repertoire, performing and teaching practices of the instrument and produced and present programmes regularly in her yearly student recitals. Her engagement with local music schools include adjudicating works of piano students and serving as mentor to teachers. Her music career has seen her students embracing the stages of Victoria Concert Hall and other concert saloons in town. Gwei U is also an active member of several music education associations.
In 2019, world renowned French composer Sylvain Guinet attended a Singapore recital presented by Gwei U and her students at Bechstein Hall. In honour of the composer, 33 pieces of Guinet’s advanced piano pieces were presented and shared with the world online.
She is currently the Director of Rosabel Music Studio Services, engaging in the development of music courses and activities to be offered to the public.